sus·tain·a·ble s??st?n?b(?)l – adjective

This was a HUGE New Years surprise … check out this video by Candy – our translator – he took some shots of the stove he built himself … in his own home!

He was proud of his work and made a video to share the story. He shared it with us and I think you need to check it out.  There is something VERY special about this (more on this in a moment)


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The Background

We took a team to Haiti in November to build stoves and to learn. We had local people volunteer to help out as well as a number of translators who made our surveys work.

One of our translators is Candy. He is a young man who lives in Grande Goave after escaping from the earthquake in Port Au Prince. He was with us every single day, translating what we needed and (evidently) learning how to build a stove.

As we left, we had some leftover bricks that were still drying. I had asked him if he wanted to build a stove of his own.

He eagerly said yes.

So we left him the bricks to use. Life got busy for him and he was working in another town, back in school and enjoying Christmas and Haitian Independence Day on Jan 1.


Then something amazing …

Finally! Just after New Years! Candy sent a video of his own personal stove build in his own home!

It is difficult to explain how exciting this is.

You see, sometimes charities come up with amazing ideas that sound great to donors, but don’t really have a lot of interest for the people.

Sure people in difficult circumstances will take a new stove if it is given to them, but if you ask them to build it themselves you might discover that the great idea goes over like a lead balloon. It is simply not something people will put their own time and money into.

Candy’s stove build proves something different and so important.


How we measure success

When guys like Candy take an idea and make it there own, it means that the idea is truly helpful.

When he put in his own time and money, he did it because the stove would make his life better.

Simply stated … it works!

I am so proud of this young mans efforts – and so excited to help thousands of other Haitians in 2018. Would you join with us to make a lasting difference?


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Do what you can … Join us and Donate to make 2018 the year of change for Haitian families!



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